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Support  :  HAPP HomeVideos  |  Trouble Shooting  |  Software

Once you have bought your HAPP100, you may find the video tutorials linked to below to be useful in showing you how to use it.  You will have a handbook, but you can also download a copy to your computer with the links below.  There is also a link to trouble-shooting guidelines.

Tutorial Videos




HAPP100 user manual


Troubleshooting Guidelines


Cursor creeps on its own:

Check for water or some blockage in the hose.  Any water in the pipework will upset the very sensitive pressure measurement of the HAPP, Try rinsing through with warm water and blowing free to dry.   The smallest pipe in the headset is the most likely candidate, the long pipe can be inspected visually and rinsed and dried if necessary.
Check whether the tube is creased or kinked.   Straighten hose and reroute if necessary

Sluggish to respond:

Check for water in the tube.  See “Cursor creeps” above
Is the Gain too low?  Increase gain knob clockwise

Can’t get Strong signals to work:

Check whether there is an air leak somewhere.  Check all pipework and joints for integrity.  Note it is normal when sucking to draw a small amount of air in from the HAPP this is designed to keep the pipework dry. But it should not be possible to blow air into the HAPP unit: if you can then there is a leak.

Is the Gain too low?  Increase gain knob clockwise

Keeps going to High before I get Low to work

Is the Gain too high?  Decrease gain knob anti-clockwise

Are you using the Incorrect technique?  If you stop blowing and sucking – even for an instant - when moving the cursor then the HAPP has to start from scratch to work out if you want to use a Low or High signal. Once it has detected a Low signal the HAPP allows you to increase the pressure to move the cursor faster. BUT if you hesitate and briefly stop blowing the HAPP will reinterpret this as a High blow. So when moving the cursor quickly use smooth consistent huffs and puffs.

Commands change too quickly or slowly:

Is the rate set correctly for you?  Command rate is configurable see the Editable Options section of the Handbook for more details.

Pipes keep coming apart​:

If the hose is getting old, replace the 6mm hose, or trim the end with a sharp pair of scissors to remove aged section. An aquarium pet shop can supply a similar tube economically.

Free Software
Free software to download

'Free' software usually has the option to donate.  If you find you are regularly using it to good effect you are encouraged to do so.


Click-n-type on-screen keyboard

Available from Tip: Do try & use the 'Speed' keyboard layout. Strange at first but very good.  Getting a bit dated now and may not fully work on Windows 10


Dynamic Keyboard

Available from An assistive smart key entry program very easy to use. Use this link to go directly to software download page Dynamic Keyboard


Camera Mouse

Available from A free program that allows you to control the mouse pointer on a Windows computer just by moving your head. Clicking can be done by making the mouse pointer dwell over a spot on the screen.

A HAPP100 allows the user to start and fully control the Camera Mouse program without the assistance of others. It is then used to operate just the mouse buttons allowing drag & drop, scroll,  shortcut keys etc, which is quicker and more efficient than using camera mouse on its own.

Mouse Cursor Find

Mouse Cursor Find Install this small program & your HAPP100 can highlight your cursor anytime you want to find it quickly

E-Reader Software

Kobo E-Reader Kobo Free E-Reader software allows Ebooks to be read on a PC or MAC using your HAPP100



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